Irrigation is a critical practice in agriculture and civil engineering. It involves the artificial application of water to soil or land to assist in the growth of crops and vegetation. This practice is particularly essential in areas where rainfall is scanty or unpredictable. Over time, various methods of irrigation have been developed, each with its unique features, benefits, and drawbacks. Here are eight different types of irrigation methods explained for civil engineering.

1. Surface Irrigation

Surface irrigation is the oldest and most commonly used method where water flows over the field’s surface by gravity. The three main types of surface irrigation include basin, furrow, and border strip.

2. Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation involves dripping water slowly at the root zone of plants, thereby reducing evaporation and seepage losses. It is highly efficient but requires significant maintenance to keep the drippers from clogging.

3. Sprinkler Irrigation

In this method, water is sprayed over the crop as if it were raining from a system of pipes with sprinkler heads.

4. Center Pivot Irrigation

Center pivot irrigation uses equipment that rotates around a pivot while spraying water on crops like a sprinkler but over a circular area.

5. Lateral Move Irrigation

Also known as side roll or wheel line irrigation, it involves rotating fields with large wheeled towers which support sprinkler pipes or booms.

6. Sub-Irrigation

In sub-irrigation, also called seepage irrigation, water is supplied below the soil surface not requiring any surface drainage structures.

7. Localized Irrigation

A low-pressure form of drip irrigation where slow-release devices such as drippers or bubblers near each plant distribute water.

8. Manual Irrigation

Manual irrigation may utilize watering cans or buckets. Even though labor-intensive, it’s beneficial for small gardens or fields.

Each of these irrigation methods has its pros and cons, and their application depends largely on the nature of the land, type of crop, availability of water, and financial resources. However, with advancements in technology, irrigation methods continue to evolve to meet the growing demand for more efficient and sustainable ways to conserve water while ensuring optimal crop yield.


Rainfall and irrigation are the two primary sources of water that facilitate agricultural practices. While they’re both crucial, their application and impact vary vastly based on geographical, climatic, and crop-specific factors. Here is a comparative study to understand the differences between rainfall and irrigation method.


  • Rainfall: The biggest issue with rainfall is its unpredictability. Depending on the region’s climate, there can be years of plenty or years of drought. This unpredictability makes it a less reliable source for agricultural practices.
  • Irrigation: Irrigation systems offer a dependable supply of water. They can be used regularly throughout the year irrespective of climatic conditions, thereby ensuring a regular water supply for crops.

Control Over Water Supply

  • Rainfall: Farmers have no control over rainfall patterns. There can be excess rain leading to flooding or insufficient rain causing droughts. Both extremes are detrimental to crop yield.
  • Irgation: With irrigation methods, farmers have complete control over water supply to their fields. They can adjust the frequency and quantity of water based on specific crop requirements.

Efficiency in Water Use

  • Rainfall: Rainwater may get wasted due to runoff, evaporation, or percolation into deeper layers beyond plant roots’ reach leading to inefficiency in its use.
  • Irrigation : Modern irrigation techniques such as drip or sprinkler systems ensure efficient use of water by delivering it directly to the plant roots minimizing wastage from runoff or deep percolation.

Nutrient Delivery

  • Rainfall: Rainwater carries with it nutrients from the atmosphere which add value to the soil composition. However, heavy rains can lead to soil erosion and loss of these nutrients.
  • Irrigation : Irrigation allows for targeted nutrient delivery through fertigation- fertilizer application through irrigation system. It can prevent nutrient loss from erosion or leaching and ensures that the nutrients reach the plant roots.

Economic Factors

  • Rainfall: Rainwater is a free resource but it’s unpredictable nature may lead to economic losses due to crop failure in case of insufficient rainfall.
  • Irrigation : Irrigation systems involve initial investment and operation costs. However, they can lead to better crop yields and higher economic returns in the long run.

In light of these factors, it becomes clear that while rainfall is an essential natural process for agriculture, dependency on it alone can be precarious. Incorporating effective irrigation methods can ensure a more controlled, efficient, and reliable water supply for successful agricultural practices. It’s important to choose an irrigation method considering local climate conditions, soil type, crop requirement and available resources to achieve optimum results.


Center pivot irrigation, also known as circular irrigation, is a method where equipment rotates around a pivot to deliver water to crops in a circular pattern. This system is often seen in large flat areas and is characteristic for its long spans of tubing that are supported by wheeled towers.

Fundamentals of Center Pivot Irrigation System

The center pivot irrigation system operates using a series of components to efficiently water crops:

  • Pivot Point: This is the central point around which the system rotates. It’s usually equipped with controls for the entire system.
  • Span: These are the long sections of pipe that extend from the pivot point outwards. They’re held up by wheeled towers that move along with the rotation.
  • Sprinklers: Attached along the span at regular intervals, they distribute water to the crops.
  • Drive System: This mechanism moves the wheeled towers, causing the whole setup to rotate around the pivot point.
  • End Gun: A sprinkler mounted at the end of the span, it sprays water further, reaching areas outside of the circle formed by rotation.

Advantages of Center Pivot Irrigation System

The center pivot irrigation system holds several key advantages over traditional methods:

  1. Efficiency: Since this method targets only certain areas and avoids non-productive patches (e.g., rocks), it uses water more efficiently than other techniques.
  2. Automation: Modern systems can be automated and controlled remotely, reducing labor costs.
  3. Uniformity: It provides uniform application of water and chemicals which leads to better crop yields.
  4. Flexibility: The system can be used on varied types of soil and topography.
  5. Decreased Soil Erosion: Water applied at a rate close to soil absorption capacity reduces runoff and thus decreases soil erosion.

Despite its higher setup cost, the center pivot irrigation system offers considerable long-term benefits, including increased crop yield, reduced labor costs and better water efficiency. Furthermore, modern advancements in this system such as GPS and remote control technology have made it easier for farmers to manage their fields effectively.

This method has revolutionized the farming industry by providing a viable solution to the problem of efficiently irrigating large flat areas. Not only does it make optimal use of water resources, but it also plays a significant role in maintaining soil health and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.


Lateral move irrigation, also known as linear move, side roll, or wheel line irrigation, is a method that offers an effective and efficient way to water crops. This type of irrigation system is highly beneficial for square or rectangular fields, especially those with less than 1% slope.

Core Concept of Lateral Move Irrigation

The fundamental concept of lateral move irrigation is straightforward. It involves a series of sprinklers, or sometimes a single sprinkler in smaller systems, installed along a length of pipe known as the “lateral line”. This line is connected to wheeled towers and moves across the field in straight lines while dispersing water onto the crops.

The lateral move irrigation system functions by drawing water from a point source at one end or from internal combustion engines located at each moving tower. Its movement can be powered either electrically or by diesel fuel. The speed at which the system moves can also be adjusted to control the amount of water applied to crops.

Effective Use of Lateral Move Irrigation

Effectively using lateral move irrigation involves understanding its strengths and limitations.


  • Flexibility: These systems can easily adapt to various field sizes without needing significant modifications.
  • Efficiency: Lateral move systems have high water-use efficiency ratings when compared to other methods.
  • Uniform Water Distribution: The mobility of this method allows for more uniform watering leading to even crop growth.


  • Energy Consumption: While these systems are efficient in terms of water use, they do require substantial energy for operation.
  • Maintenance Costs: Regular maintenance is required for optimal function which could lead to higher costs over time.

Despite the limitations, lateral move irrigation remains an effective method due to its flexibility and efficiency. It allows farmers to maximize land usage and improve yield without excessive water wastage.

Implementation Guidelines

Here are some guidelines for implementing lateral move irrigation:

  1. Field Evaluation: Examine the field to be irrigated. Check the soil type, its water-holding capacity, and slope of the land.
  2. Water Source Assessment: Evaluate the reliability and quality of your water source.
  3. System Design: Design your system considering the size and shape of your field, crop type, growth stage, and local climate.
  4. Professional Installation: Hire a professional for installation to ensure optimal performance.
  5. Periodic Maintenance: Regularly check the sprinklers, pumps, motors, and other components to keep them in good condition.

In summary, understanding the concept of lateral move irrigation is crucial for its effective use. Despite some limitations like energy consumption and maintenance cost, it is an efficient method that offers uniform water distribution to crops. With correct implementation coupled with regular maintenance checks, this method can lead to improved agricultural productivity.


Sub-irrigation presents an effective solution to water management in agriculture. By delivering water directly to the root zone of plants, it eradicates the need for traditional surface irrigation methods, delivering a host of benefits.

Advantages of Sub-Irrigation

  • Water Efficiency: Sub-irrigation systems are more efficient than conventional irrigation methods. They reduce water waste by directly supplying it to the plant roots, minimizing evaporation and runoff.
  • Energy Saving: As sub-irrigation systems use the natural pressure gradient of water, they often require less energy than other irrigation methods like sprinkler systems.
  • Lower Labor Costs: Once installed, sub-irrigation systems require less manual labor to operate. This can result in considerable savings over time.
  • Improved Plant Health: By delivering water directly to the root zone, sub-irrigation promotes healthier plant growth. It minimizes foliage diseases that could occur due to damp leaves from overhead watering.

Implementing Sub-Irrigation in Agriculture

Implementing a sub-irrigation system involves several steps:

Step 1: Site Selection

The site should have a gentle slope for easy installation and maximum effectiveness. Soil type is also important; sandy or loamy soils are best as they allow for good water movement.

Step 2: System Design

The design phase includes determining the size and layout of the system. Factors such as crop type, field size, and local climate conditions will impact this process.

Step 3: Installation

The installation process involves laying out pipes below ground level across the field. These pipes will carry water throughout your field.

Step 4: Operation

Once installed, operation involves periodically filling pipes with water, which then gets absorbed upward into the root zone. The frequency will depend on soil type and crop needs.

Step 5: Maintenance

Regular maintenance ensures that the system operates efficiently. This typically involves checking for leaks and cleaning filters.

Sub-Irrigation Implementation Steps Key Considerations
Site Selection Evaluate soil type and slope
System Design Consider crop type, field size, climate conditions
Installation Lay pipes below the surface across the field
Operation Regularly fill pipes based on soil and crop needs
Maintenance Regular checks for leaks, clean filters

Implementation of a sub-irrigation system can be an upfront investment, both in terms of time and resources. However, it can deliver significant returns by way of increased yields, lower labor costs, and efficient water use. This makes it a viable option for farmers seeking sustainable irrigation solutions.

In this era where water scarcity is becoming increasingly prevalent due to climate change, adopting efficient methods like sub-irrigation can be a game-changer in agriculture. It not only contributes to conserving an invaluable resource but also enhances agricultural productivity – a win-win scenario in today’s challenging times.